We try to make ReciPal as intuitive as possible, but we also want to make sure there's help wherever you might need it. See the image below to see all these resources on the recipe page.
Videos and Walk Through Tutorials
We have detailed walk-through tutorials and videos on most pages of your recipe (buttons in the top right that say "Tutorial" and "Video") and hints and notes throughout the website.
Info Popovers
Look out for our information popovers throughout the site (denoted by the "i") that will give you descriptions, definitions, and extra details and resources for almost every field you need to fill in or feature you might use.
Getting Started Series
We also have a series of How To Videos for nutrition labeling to help guide you through doing database nutrition analysis, making high quality nutrition fact labels, setting ingredient lists, and calculating the costs of your recipe. And we have separate inventory management videos and inventory FAQ to help you with managing your inventory and production.
Our blog covers many of our features and more general common questions. It's searchable, so if you're wondering whether we have something on a specific topic, it's easy to find out. We also have a useful resources guide that has a lot of great information for starting a food business and setting up your packaging.
Contact Us With More Questions
Still stuck? Chat us (at the bottom of this widget), call us (844-732-4725), or send an email to info@recipal.com or through this widget. We're generally around for live help (chat and phone) 11AM-6PM EST during the week.